Autism Awareness Necklace Giveaway

Help build Autism Awareness and enter to win this necklace! Keep it for yourself or gift it to a friend! :)


The giveaway will run from 1/14 to 1/21.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Individuals with Autism are just like you and I. They have dreams, attend school, have jobs, and have feelings.

  2. That they actually have much to teach us..if we just give them the time do do it.

  3. The one thing I wish people knew about autistic individuals is that they are just as nice, smart, fun as everyone else they are just a little more unique. They just have little quirks that make them different. (:

  4. Some lessons that I learned from my cousin is that all Autistic individuals are different, just like normal people. Most people think that since they are Autistic they must act a certain way, and that is not always true. Yes, he had a routine that he had to go through each day, but slight variances were fine.
    I found that in the case of my cousin, some can be even smarter than yourself, in certain areas. He was awesome with numbers and letters. I always thought that it was cool when he watched "Wheel of Fortune", he could see the number of letters, the setup of the word or words and the given letters, and he could almost always solve it. I watched him at the age of 8 do this.

    He was adopted by my great aunt and uncle because his real parents said that they couldn't deal with him. :(

  5. my daughter is the most gentle, kind hearted person I know. She doesn't see color of people's skin, she doesn't see that extra 20 pounds we are carrying. She just loves hard and is completely amazing.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have to say that they have feelings just like you and I do! Some are even more sensitive than we are! I would love to win this for a close friend of mine. She has 2 boys with Asperger's. I know she would love it! Thank you for offering the giveaway!

  8. My daughter has autism , and she is so smart. Most children with autism are so smart, I am proud of her. And I want to win this for the fact I love her so much.

    I am using my friend's gmail to leave a comment, my facebook is Lilly Ann. Profile picture is my daughter's dog Max

  9. They are really smart. willis flanagan

  10. No one should be judged. Everyone is equal <3

  11. People on the autism spectrum are often much more tuned in to details. They may have a much better memory than their typical peers for all kinds of critical details. They are very smart.
    Sam Herrmann

  12. i have a god son who is autistic and he is the sweetest boy i have ever met i wish they did not get judged like they do by some others they are intelligent individuals and are judged to easy but have the largest hearts and when it comes to mechanical things he knows so much he fixes things for more :-)
